Take the Energy Audit


Unlock your true energy potential

Take the Energy Audit and Embrace your transformation

Take the Quiz


  • Click the option that most represents you as you go down the list.

  • Make sure you click something for all the questions

  • At the bottom click ‘Show my Score’

  • Click the download that applies to you

    1. My natural body type would be considered to be:
      1. Slim and easy to lose weight
      2. Strong and muscular
      3. Stocky or solid
    2. With regard to your weight:
      1. I don’t gain weight easily
      2. I gain or lose weight easily
      3. I tend to gain weight easily
    3. My body temperature:
      1. Cold hands and feet, prefer warm
      2. Generally warm, prefer cool environments
      3. I usually adapt, don’t like the cold though
    4. My Appetite:
      1. I’m a bit inconsistent
      2. Strong appetite
      3. Steady
    5. I know I won’t sleep if:
      1. I feel upset or unsettled, or someone has upset me
      2. I’m under pressure with work
      3. I don’t usually have a problem sleeping
    6. My digestion:
      1. I’m often constipated
      2. I have good digestion, but sometimes diahrrea
      3. My digestion can be slow
    7. When I wake up in the morning:
      1. I feel exhausted overwhelmed
      2. I get straight to work, no time to waste
      3. I’d love to just lay, I like being in bed
    8. Endurance and strength:
      1. I’m stressed and my mind is racing
      2. I’m super focused on my projects and have to get things done
      3. I’m just enjoying relaxing with friends and don’t prioritise sleep
    9. During the night:
      1. I have a tendency to move a lot when I’m asleep
      2. I get hot and start removing covers
      3. I snore and/or don’t move much
    10. When I don’t sleep well:
      1. I feel unable to cope
      2. Irritable and overreact
      3. Groggy and congested
    11. I wake up in the night usually because:
      1. I heard a noise, or someone turned the light on
      2. I have lots of projects that I am focused on and I start thinking about my goals
      3. I don’t usually wake up during the night
    12. If I wake up in the night for no reason:
      1. I start to worry about not getting enough sleep
      2. I start to think about my projects
      3. I just go back to sleep
    13. My natural personality is:
      1. Creative, anxious, very sensitive
      2. Focused, irritable, very active
      3. Easy going, relaxed and reliable
    14. If I had to identify a fault with myself it would be:
      1. I take on too many things and have trouble completing
      2. I have a tendency to take over and get a little aggressive
      3. I can never decide what to do and it takes too long to make a decision
    15. My daily routines:
      1. Like to mix it up and be spontaneous
      2. I like to set goals and be productive
      3. I like my routines
    16. How productive or creative are you?:
      1. If I’ve slept well, I’m great
      2. I’m usually incredibly goal orientated and productive
      3. I often feel sluggish
    17. My general temperament:
      1. Enthusiastic, I love to try new things
      2. Purposeful and I love goals
      3. Like to go with the flow





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