The magical pineal gland

This gland is a magical gland

Starting with sleep, the proper function of the pineal gland is fundamental.


It secretes melatonin, the sleep hormone, in response to the light-dark cycle.  It’s regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus.  It controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms.


It’s also responsible for producing serotonin.  Serotonin is your happy hormone and its functions include regulating mood, behaviour and digestion.

However, this gland, is much more than that.

According to our ancient ancestors and the wisdom tradition teachings, it is the key to higher states of consciousness.


The magical pineal gland


In ancient Egypt, the pineal gland was known as the seat of the spirit or the soul.  They used the third eye as a route to higher awareness and consciousness.


The Buddhists related it to spiritual awakening.


The Hindus connect it to the third eye which represents intuition and clairvoyance.


Jesus said that the eye is the lamp of the body and if the eye is clear, your body will be filled with light.  This relates to the eye of intuition (pineal gland) and seeing things clearly and in truth.


In the book of revelation, those with the sign of the beast on their forehead symbolised the closed down pineal gland meaning spiritual death.


There’s good scientific reasons for the ancients viewing the pineal gland in this way and scientists are now making discoveries which support the miracles of this gland.


During ecstatic states people report seeing light and colours.


Research shows that this gland has photo receptors in it and it’s actually lined with similar tissues as the retina.  It also has the same wiring to the visual cortex in the brain as the eyes.


There are tiny floating crystals in the pineal gland that vibrate when under pressure and give off light.  This is called piezoluminescence and is well documented in research papers.


Instead of a simple gland, it’s a magical gland


Gottfried de Purucker (2011) published in the book ‘Man in Evolution’ said that “whenever we have a hunch, the pineal gland is vibrating gently; when we have an intuition, or an inspiration, or a sudden flash of intuitive under-standing, it vibrates more strongly”


There are a large number of environmental stresses that affect the pineal function, such as irregular light and dark rhythms, EMF, sound, nutritional imbalance, build up of fluoride, high altitude and daily stress.


“Fluoride is likely to cause decreased melatonin production and to have other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans.” (National Research Council 2006).

Top three pineal gland boosting tips


Eat clean organic food that have purifying properties like raw cacao, organic honey, spirulina, zeolite, apple cider vinegar and vitamin D.



By bringing your awareness to the pineal gland you’ll bring energy to it.  Try visualising an illuminated pineal gland. The pineal gland is 12cm in from the root of the nose going towards the back of the head and 5cm up.



The pineal gland responds to vibration.  Humming like a bumble bee creates a beautiful calming vibration to the nervous system and stimulates the pineal gland.  All you need to do is close your eyes, inhale and on the exhale hum like a bumble bee for 21 breaths.


You’ll feel calm and your mind will feel refreshed.


Listen to your intuition

Experiment with listening to your intuition more and having the courage to follow the messages coming from your intuition.  I’m sure you’ll have had the experience of going against your intuition, looking back and wishing you’d had the courage to listen to your gut!




In the sleepology process, we work on the mind as the first principle.